Wednesday 5 September 2012

chemistry jokes,facts,pictures and quizze


 Why does hamburger yield lower energy than steak?
A: Because it's in the ground state.

Q: If H20 is water, what is H204?
A: Drinking, bathing, washing, swimming, etc.

Q: What do you call a clown who's in jail?
A: A silicon.

Q: How did the chemist survive the famine?
A: By subsisting on titrations.

Q: What happens when spectroscopists are idle?
A: They turn from notating nuclear spins to notating unclear puns.

Q: What element is a girl's future best friend?
A: Carbon.

Q: Why can't lawyers do NMR?
A: Bar magnets have poor homogeneity.

Q: What did the bartender say when oxygen, hydrogen, sulfur, sodium, and phosphorous walked into his bar?


  • Gold is a chemical element. Its chemical symbol is Au and its atomic number is 79.
  • Compared to other metals, gold is less chemically reactive.
  • Gold is a good conductor of electricity and heat.
  • Gold is shiny, soft and dense. It is also malleable, which means it can easily be beaten into thin sheets or other shapes.
  • Gold is malleable enough for just 1 gram to be hammered into a sheet 1 square meter in size. It can also be made so thin that it appears transparent.
  • Due to a similar appearance to gold, the mineral pyrite has the nickname fool’s gold.


1. What is the chemical symbol for gold?
A. Au 

 2. What is the name given to substances that are initially involved in a chemical reaction?
A. Reactants

3. A nuclear reaction where the nucleus of an atom splits into smaller parts is known as nuclear fission or nuclear fusion?
A. Nuclear fission

4. Atoms of the same chemical element that have different atomic mass are known as?
A. Isotopes    


ROLL NO. - 09   

















  1. Super jokes abhro n interesting ones-jai

  2. Apart from the serious Chemistry we deal with, the jokes seemed to be pleasant! -Ankita
